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Comité des aînées et aînés de la région d'Argyle (CARA)

Updated: Jan 6

Official Name of Seniors Group: Le Comité des aînées et aînés de la région d’Argyle (CARA) (Argyle Seniors’ Committee)

Number of members: 14

Members of the Executive Committee

President: Ina Amirault

Vice-president: Pauline d’Entremont

Secretary: Norbert LeBlanc

Treasurer: Cassie Amirault

The mission of the Comité des aînées et aînés de la région d’Argyle (CARA) is to foster and promote the contribution of seniors to the Acadian community of the Argyle municipality region.

It accomplishes its mission by fulfilling the following goals:

  • Foster socialization and exchanges between seniors and other members of the Acadian community in the Argyle region

  • Promote the Acadian heritage of the Argyle region

  • Encourage the transmission of Acadian culture and the French language based on the life and experience of older people

  • Establish partnerships at the community level and collaborate with local associations

  • Support community development by coordinating programs and projects in collaboration with its members and partners

  • Act as spokesperson for Acadian and French-speaking seniors from the Argyle municipality region.

Day and Location of Gathering

Day and Time: The CARA meets three or four times a year.  CARA must convene an annual general meeting.

Location and civic #: Most meetings are held at the Centre Communautaire de Par-en-Bas, 4258 Highway 308, Tusket

Main Activities

  • The CARA convenes the various senior groups in Argyle on regular occasions.  CARA defends the rights of seniors in the Argyle region.  Le CARA is a member of the RANE (The Provincial Acadian Seniors organization).

  • Maintain a Facebook page to share pertinent information for seniors.

  • Publishing a resource guide for seniors

Special Activities

  • Participates in various consultations on behalf of seniors.

  • Organizes a Senior’s Day in March 

  • Plans for other activities as needed

  • Occasional projects which encourage socializing and promote Acadian culture and heritage.

Contact Person

Ina Amirault

902-774-0553 (cell)

CARA Executive Members
CARA Executive Members


Invitation from the club:

The CARA invites older adults (50+) to participate in our annual seniors day.  This event is held in March. The CARA coordinates several activities during this day and a lunch is provided. The activities and lunch are free. I also invite you to visit our Facebook page Ina Amirault


At the Par-en-Bas Community Centre
(behind Par-en-Bas High School)

Conseil acadien de Par-en-Bas

4258 Route 308, CP 210

Tusket NS, B0W 3M0

Phone: 902-648-2253



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